Tuesday, June 6, 2017

There's Got to be More

"there's got to be more
than going back and forth"

Did that "Mercy Me" song just pop into your head???
(if it didn't pop into your head, but you want it to....
just click the picture and you can listen to it)

I realize that song is about going back and forth
between doing what is right and what is wrong,
but when I hear it, it always makes me think of going about our daily lives,
going back and forth to Publix,
back and forth to Walmart,
back and forth to church,
that routine that we call life,
that trap that we think we're stuck in.

We all do it, right?
We are all so busy.

Get up, go to work, go home, go to bed,
get up, go to work, go home......
(wash, rinse, repeat lol)

So my question today is.....

For money to pay the bills?
Then we make more bills?
Then go to work, so we can make money,
ok you get the picture.

For what???
What is the purpose???
Is there any worth in our back and forth???

I ran across this quote from Amanda Bible Williams
"The apostle (Paul) didn't while away his time on earth
just to get to the next chapter,"
"Paul wasn't living for this vapor of a life here on earth.
He was living for something bigger.
He lived for the eternal by making the most of the temporary." 

I think that most of us have this backwards.
I think that we live for the temporary
(house payments, rent, cars/trucks, light bills, etc)
and make the most of the eternal.
Maybe in the back of our minds
we are hoping that we will do something for Jesus today,
but the real effort is going into all the other stuff.

If in the midst of all of that going back and forth
we're not doing something for Jesus,
something that has some eternal value,
then what's the point???

I don't know about you,
but the older I get the more I get tired of wasting time.
I don't want to spend my entire life
simply going back and forth.
I don't think "she paid her bills on time"
is a good enough quote for my tombstone.

Yes, I realize that God gave us work and
earthly things to buy and enjoy and to take care of ourselves with, but
I want to look at my life and see the eternal stuff first,
things like....
chasing Jesus first,
 serving HIM first,
in HIS word first,
loving and serving others first.

And maybe after that, I'll go to work :)


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