Tuesday, July 19, 2016

"THE Look"

Ever get THE look?
Or a better question might be....how many times have you gotten THE look?
Maybe as a parent or teacher, you have mastered THE look.
You know THE look I'm talking about?
That look that needs no words, you automatically know exactly what it means.

I was reading today and came across the account of Peter after the Last Supper.
You know when Peter makes his bold declaration,
(that he was ready to go to prison and to death with Jesus).
then Jesus tells him how the reality will go,
(that Peter would deny knowing HIM 3 times before the rooster crowed).
Luke 22:31-62

We know the story ends just as Jesus predicted it would.
Peter denies Jesus 3 times.
Scripture says that just as Peter was speaking
(denying Jesus for the 3rd time) the rooster crowed.
And the next verse says.....
"The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter."
Luke 22:61

Have you ever wondered what was in THE look that Jesus gave to Peter?
Scripture says that Peter remembered the word the Lord had spoken to him
and went outside and wept bitterly.

So what do you think was in THE look that made Peter weep bitterly?
or THE look that I would have given him that says "I told you so!"?
Or do you think THE look was full of
Or maybe some combination of all of those?

If Jesus had used words instead of THE look what do you think HE
would have said right at that moment?
"I told you so, Peter"?
"I am so disappointed in you, Peter"?
"You're breaking my heart"?
"I know it was hard to stand for me"?
"I love you"?
"I forgive you"?
"You're still mine, Peter"?

I'm asking the question today because I think that whatever we think was in THAT LOOK
is the same look we imagine Jesus gives us when we sin.
HIS eyes are always on us. HE sees everything.
So what is THE look that we imagine HE is giving us?

For Peter, whatever he interpreted that look to mean,
I believe it was forever seared in his brain.
I believe it drove him to Jesus... to love HIM, to follow HIM, to serve HIM.

What about us?
Is our view of God driving us toward HIM or away from HIM?
If you can't say "toward HIM" then I urge you to get in the Word,
read of HIS love and mercy and forgiveness.
Then let THAT be "THE look" comes to mind when we think of HIM.

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