Friday, May 20, 2016

Chosen and Precious

As a teacher for the last 23 years, 
I have seen MANY kids waiting to be picked 
for kickball games at recess,
or games in the classroom,
or partners for projects.

Yes, I'm always watching, waiting to catch it before it hurts someone.
The moment inevitably comes for someone as they look around 
and realize that everyone in the group is paired off except for them.

Has that ever been you?
Ever felt overlooked, unwanted?
People look at you and find you less that desirable, 
so they keep scanning the room for someone that they feel is acceptable?
All the while, you are scanning the room looking for someone 
that you are not afraid to ask without fear of rejection?

Maybe you've felt this way in your marriage or relationships with other people.
Maybe you were chosen at one point in time but no longer feel wanted/desired.

I found good news for that in my Bible study this morning.
1 Peter 2:4 says.....
"as you come to him, a living stone rejected by men 
but in the sight of God chosen and precious........."

I LOVE the two words
I love that they are written together.
Because I know what it is to be chosen, anyone can be chosen.
But to be chosen AND ALSO be called precious is a whole, big deal.

Jesus knows full well what it feels like to be rejected, "un-chosen."
He understands rejection from men.
But HIS eyes were on God and God called HIM
And those words have been passed on to us.

So, if you have ever felt the sting of rejection or felt unwanted,
remember that God loves you,
HE chose you and HE thinks that you are precious.

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